Category: Community Projects

Events that Wild Ones Members have either organized or participated in to benefit the community.

Building Community around Invasive Plant Removal with Inna Alesina

by Brigit Burbank ✎ Inna Alesina is an artist, professor, community organizer, and fellow Wild Ones member. She has been volunteering at Gunpowder State Park for the past four years and has seen firsthand the damaging effects invasive plants can have on our wild spaces. Inna found the Wild Ones group after an unsuccessful attempt […] Continue reading "Building Community around Invasive Plant Removal with Inna Alesina"

Joe O’Connor and the Harford Road Green Team

by Lauren Matthews ✎ When people think of road medians, they often think of a barren space littered with trash and weeds. Thanks to the efforts of our member Joe O’Connor and the Harford Road Green Team, the Harford Road median in Lauraville is now a thriving ecosystem full of native plants. Joe organized a […] Continue reading "Joe O’Connor and the Harford Road Green Team"