Wild Ones Greater Baltimore welcomes you to participate in our native plant events to inspire you create a more beautiful and ecologically sound landscape in your home and community. We hold garden tours, native plant walks, nursery tours, native plant and seed swaps, educational talks and webinars, and educational garden chats where you can have your native plant questions answered by knowledgable members.
Events Archive: 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | Upcoming Events
March 2025
Designing Home Gardens with Native Plants with Ana Lee
Hosted by Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay Chapter and Greater Baltimore ChapterOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Recording Available Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Learn the basics of designing a home garden using native plants with Ana Lee of Perfectly Imperfect Gardens.
National Panel Discussion: The Advocacy Power of Public Native Gardens
Hosted by Wild Ones Capital Region NY Chapter, Hocking Hills (Seedling) Chapter, San Diego Chapter and Wild Ones NationalOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Recording Available Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Public gardens hold tremendous power to influence landscaping norms and inspire change. By showcasing the beauty, functionality, and ecological value of native plants, these spaces help foster biodiversity, advocate for sustainable practices, and engage communities in environmental stewardship.
This webinar will explore how public and demonstration gardens serve as powerful tools for native plant advocacy. Attendees will learn how gardens move beyond aesthetics to spark action—turning appreciation into engagement and inspiring participants to replicate these practices in their own communities.
We will hear insights from Nicole Machuca, Environmental Social Scientist at the Field Museum, on how public gardens influence behaviors, foster stewardship, and connect people to conservation efforts through research and community engagement. The Wild Ones Capital Region NY and the Wild Ones San Diego (CA) Chapters will share their experiences building native plant demonstration gardens and how these spaces drive community engagement, education, and advocacy. And We'll finish with a conversation exploring how public gardens create a lasting impact beyond planting day moderated by Kelly Kapuzzi, Demonstration Garden Char with the Wild Ones Hocking Hills (OH) Chapter.
April 2025
Using Woody Plants in Native Yard Design with Heather Evans
Hosted by Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay Chapter and Greater Baltimore ChapterOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Heather Evans of Design Your Wild will talk about how to use trees and shrubs to add structure to a native yard – creating privacy, dividing rooms, adding winter interest, blurring edges, and creating cooling shade. Trees and shrubs also generally support many times the number of native insects as wildflowers.
Baltimore Annual Native Plant Sale at the Church of the Redeemer
Public Welcome Family-Friendly Seed/Plant Sale Free Public Parking
Wild Ones Greater Baltimore will have an educational table with volunteers to answer questions at this event.
Plant vendors will be offering a large variety of native flowers, trees, grasses, shrubs, vines, and ferns, all suitable for early season planting.
A Legislative Approach to Promote and Protect Native Plants
Hosted by Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay Chapter, Greater Baltimore Chapter and Nation's Capital Region ChapterOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Recording Available Registration Required Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Celebrate Earth Day with us.
Awareness of the many benefits of adding native plants to our landscapes has been growing significantly in recent years and this has resulted in native plants getting some attention by Maryland lawmakers. Join us as Kirsten Hoffman and Judy Fulton share the details of recent legislation that promotes native plants by creating the Maryland Native Plants Program and legislation that strengthened Maryland's invasive plant laws. Both bills are currently being implemented, and they will provide updates on new resources that these laws have made available and discuss what work is still to be done.
Kirsten Hoffman is one of the founding members of the Maryland Native Plant Coalition which has written and passed two important pieces of state legislation: 2023’s HB950/SB836 creating the Maryland Native Plants Program and 2024’s HB979/SB915 strengthening Maryland’s invasive plant laws. She is a member of the Executive Board of the Green Towson Alliance and heads up their legislative affairs workgroup supporting efforts to improve Baltimore County’s environmental sustainability. Kirsten is the treasurer for the Maryland Native Plant Society and recently became a Maryland Master Naturalist. She is part of a Master Naturalist team working on a habitat restoration project at Cylburn Arboretum. For the past three years, she has been a Blue Water Baltimore tree steward for her neighborhood and has helped residents select and plant over one hundred native trees. Kirsten is a registered architect in the state of Maryland and performs flute and piccolo with Flutopia Baltimore.
Judy Fulton, founder of EcoPlant Consulting, believes healthy ecosystems are crucial for human survival. She transforms places overrun by invasives into native landscapes, shares her knowledge via workshops and field trips, and serves as an expert in invasive plant litigation. Judy is Vice President of the Maryland Native Plant Society, and a member of the Maryland Invasive Species Council and the Board of the Mid-Atlantic Invasive Plant Council. She has earned a Harvard MBA and three Maryland’s Top 100 Women awards from the Daily Record.
During recent Maryland legislative sessions, she was pleased to help write and pass the 2023 Maryland Native Plants Program (HB950/SB836) and the 2024 Maryland Invasive Plant bill (HB979/SB915). Her consulting, her co-authoring Plant Invaders of Mid-Atlantic Natural Areas, Field Guide, and her lead role in creating the Mid-Atlantic Invaders Tool, an online guide to more than 900 invasive species, have positioned Judy as a sought-after advisor in eco-restoration.
Registration required.
September 2025
September Wild Ones National Webinar
Hosted by Wild Ones NationalOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Recording Available Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Details coming soon!
October 2025
October Wild Ones National Webinar
Hosted by Wild Ones NationalOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Recording Available Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Details coming soon!
November 2025
November Wild Ones National Webinar
Hosted by Wild Ones NationalOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Recording Available Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Details coming soon!
Be a part of our native plant community by helping us organize more events. Consider joining us as a member and volunteer to assist with event planning. Do you have an idea for an event or would like to show off the native plants in your garden? Contact us!