
About our Chapter


Our core focus is to promote environmentally sound landscaping practices and preserve biodiversity. We support native-plant community restoration through education and connecting with other native plant enthusiasts.  Some of the ways we do this is through social gatherings, educational webinars and in-person events, plant or seed swaps, educational garden walks, and helping our members learn from each other’s knowledge and experience. 

Wild Ones is a national network of people committed to healing the earth through native plants, organized in chapters. Because the Greater Baltimore region did not have a chapter, a group of us decided to get together to become founding members so the many native plant gardeners here could have a resource and network to share ideas and learn. For this chapter, the “Greater Baltimore” region encompasses both Baltimore City and Baltimore County, and surrounding areas.

Chapter Directors


Amanda Wray, President & Web Chair

Vinaya Frank, Vice President & Programming Chair

Anne Gneo, Secretary & Marketing Chair

April Kerns, Treasurer

Martha Ruffin, Membership Chair


​Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. via Zoom, and are open to members. Members wishing to attend should get in touch one week prior to the meeting you would like to attend.  

Chapter Bylaws